Membership Charter
NGO-KORAVA Association
The NGO-KORAVA association is declared of general interest, it works within the framework of the reconstruction and urban, economic, ecological and social development of war zones. Membership of the association is subject to signing this charter. It defines the framework of relations and the rules which prevail between the member and the other stakeholders of the association; employees, volunteers and beneficiary populations.
Reminder of the missions and purposes of the association The mission of ONG-KORAVA is to “reconstruct and develop war zones to promote the resumption of normal life”.
The ONG-KORAVA Association fulfills this mission of general interest:
In a transparent manner towards its members, beneficiary populations, funders, employees and volunteers,
In compliance with the rules of the Law of July 1, 1901 relating to the association contract,
By supporting the process of evaluating its social utility.
The place of members in the Associative Project Each member must work on the Associative Project by different means. He can thus:
Participate in defining the association's policy by getting involved during the General Assembly.
Represent and support the action of NGO-KORAVA in relations with other structures useful to the functioning of the association.
Work in collaboration with other stakeholders in the actions carried out by the association.
Membership terms Membership status is obtained, in addition to signing this document, by paying the choice of an annual membership of:
Base: €5 for individuals and €50 for legal entities.
As the association is recognized as being of general interest, a tax receipt is provided on request from the association's accounting department.
Obligations of members The member undertakes to:
Respect the values and ethics of the associative project.
Comply with its objectives and purposes.
Consider that the beneficiary population is at the center of all the activity of the Association.
Respect the provisions of the statutes, its possible internal regulations, its organization and its operation.
Observe the strictest discretion regarding the information to which it has access, on all stakeholders (beneficiary populations, employees, volunteers).
Respect everyone’s beliefs and opinions.
Collaborate with other stakeholders of the Association: managers, employees and other volunteers.