Maps of conflict-affected countries in the world in 2024
It is crucial to help populations affected by conflict, the investment of all is vital.
Wars and conflicts can have disastrous consequences for local populations, especially in terms of the destruction of vital infrastructure such as hospitals, drinking water supply systems, the electricity grid.
These destructions greatly impede access to basic social services, further aggravating human suffering.
Many innocent civilians find themselves trapped in situations of intense violence, often forced to flee their homes and become refugees. According to the United Nations, in 2021 alone, there were nearly 84 million people displaced worldwide due to various factors, including armed conflict. This represents an alarming increase from previous years and highlights the urgent importance of finding lasting solutions to this critical situation.
In this context, it is imperative that non-governmental organizations like ours intervene to provide immediate and concrete assistance to victims of conflict.
Through our intervention in Ukraine, we hope to alleviate the suffering of war-affected populations and contribute to the restoration of vital infrastructure in the disaster areas.
Our commitment goes far beyond the simple construction of a hospital ; it is part of a global perspective of sustainable and inclusive development for all.
Once we have completed our mission in Ukraine, we will continue to identify the most conflict-affected areas in the world and contribute our expertise and know-how.
The reconstruction of these areas requires concerted collective action between governments, international organizations and NGOs to ensure lasting peace and harmonious social development.
By intervening in conflict zones, we seek above all to promote social justice and restore the fundamental rights of the populations affected. It's a shared responsibility that involves each and every one of us, committed citizens concerned about the human condition. At Korava, we are proud to play our part in this great collective undertaking, and we invite all those who share our vision to join us in this noble cause.